
Installing Times New Roman in fedora


I imported a pdf into inkscape I made in gnuplot which used Times New Roman as a font, however Times wasn’t installed so it substituted the font for sans. I have a pretty shaky knowledge of how fonts work, and why it was that it worked in gnuplot but Times isn’t available from other programs, but my solution was as follows:

Follow the instructions to use the script to install all msttcorefonts at:

wget "" -O "/tmp/"
chmod a+rx "/tmp/"
su -c "/tmp/"

After rebooting this worked, but some of the fonts used by webpages had screwed up (which I believe were trebuchet and verdana)

I fixed this by (as root) navigating to /usr/share/fonts, ensuring out of the newly installed fonts only the times ones are available and refreshing the font cache:

cd /usr/share/fonts
mkdir mstt-times
cp msttcorefonts/times\* mstt-times
mv msttcorefonts .msttcorefonts
fc-cache -v

This made a lot of text unrendered in the browser, but after rebooting everything worked as I wanted it to, and I was able to automatically use Times correctly in inkscape

I also found the following page useful: