A latex bibliography style I like (Nature style in biblatex)
This isn’t really a specific question, but I needed to make a bibliography in latex with the following requirements:
- The citations take up as little space as possible, so should probably be superscript
- The citations should be correctly grouped (i.e. 1-3, 6 not 6, 2, 3, 1)
- The bibliography can take up any amount of space
- The citations should be linked to their bibliography entry (i.e. hyperref compatible)
- bib entries contain unicode characters
- I want the entries to look like the Elsevier standard, though Nature is also fine
- I want DOIs, properly displayed and hyperlinked, not monospaced
The style=nature option supplied to biblatex in the preamble (see http://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-nature) achieves most of this but you don’t get DOIs, there seemed to be some problems with unicode characters (particularly Polish names, see http://www.terminally-incoherent.com/blog/reference/latex-reference/) and there were some problems displaying URLs well
Rather than trying to hack together a biblatex.cfg based on the nature style which I didn’t understand/couldn’t be bothered to read through I instead was able to use a standard biblatex style with some options when loading the package:
maxnames = 5,
This gets pretty close, but I also needed to use the following biblatex.cfg (create this file in the same directory as the .tex file):
% Number in parenthesis
% \setunit\*{\addcomma\space}% NEW
% \setunit\*{\adddot}% DELETED
% \setunit\*{\addcomma\space}% NEW
% Field formats for the bibliography environment (get rid of square brackets)
%Get rid of in:
%Get rid of pp.
%Make volume number emboldened
%Journal name in non-italics
%No quotes around article name
%Bibliography in smaller font size, and unjustified
%Hyperlinks in serif font
%DOI lower case, normal font
%Colon after author names
Which got me what I wanted: